Thursday, 19 October 2017

UP BOARD 10 computer sample paper II (English)

Sample Paper II
TT: 3 hrs 
              MM: 70

Note:  Answer all questions
1.       Write the full form of the following:                                                                                                        5X1=5
a.       MODEM
b. ATM
d.  FDDI
e. MAN
2.       Select and write the correct answer                                                                                                        5X1=5
i.                     On which topology is the satellite transmission based-
a.       Ring
b.      Bus
c.       Star
d.      Tree
ii.                   Which one of the following is not a software-
a.       Linux
b.      Unix
c.       LAN
d.      Windows
iii.                  Which of the following is the sum of the binary number (1010)2 and (111)2?
a.       (10101)2
b.      (1111)2
c.       (10001)2
d.      (10011)2
iv.                 Which of the following is a character constant –
a.       ‘B’
b.      “2b4a”
c.       -8421
v.                   Which of the following declaration is not valid in C-Language?
a.       float rate;
b.      int a;
c.       double percentage
d.      int a,c;
3.       Explain the following:                                                                                                                                     5X2=10
a.       Operating system
b.      Computer network
c.       Boolean algebra
d.      Control statement
e.      File
4.       Differentiate between the following                                                                                                      5X2=10
a.       Message transmitter and receiver
b.      Nibble and byte
c.       Searching and sorting
d.      Constant and variable
e.      Sequential and parallel transmission
5.       Answer all parts                                                                                                                                                                3X4=12
a.       Sketch the diagram of primary communication model and describe its main components.
b.      Explain the rules of addition and subtraction in binary number system.
c.       Differentiate between the library function and user defined functions with example.
6.       Answer all parts                                                                                                                                                                3X4=12
a.       Explain in brief the structure of Linux operating system.
b.      What is internet? Discuss any two of its application.
c.       Differentiate between one dimensional and two dimensional arrays with example.
7.       Write a program in C-Language by which the name and marks obtained in four subjects of ten students can be stored in a data file.                                                                                                        8
a.       Explain the main elements of BCD code.                                                                                       2
b.      Explain the 1’s and 2’s complements and differentiate between them with example.             4
c.       Describe the main features of C-Language.                                                                                  2
8.       Write a program in C-Language that prints the sum of all the numbers from one to twenty. Write also, the output of this program.                                                                                                     8
Write notes on the following:                                                                                                                     4x2=8
a.       Logic gates
b.      Declaration of string and its initialization
c.       Data transmission modes
d.      Interfaces of Linux

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